Friday, March 11, 2016

St. Patrick's Day - Card #1

This card was so quick and easy to make.  I used glitter stickers I bought years ago out of the dollar bin at Joann's.  They may still make them!  If not, you could always die cut shamrocks out of different shades of green glitter paper in two different sizes to get the same look.  I used an American Crafts green note card to put the panel on and finished if off with some green grosgrain ribbon I had in my stash.  It is a very simple card design but packs a lot of punch.  This would be a great card to make with kids too!

This card is the normal A2 size.  Hope you enjoy!  Come back soon to seen another St. Patrick's Day card.

white cardstock, shamrock stickers, American Crafts green notecard, green ribbon, ATG tape, glue dots

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